Today, is it healthier to be in a committed monogamous relationship?

Originally published on 19 Aug 2017 4:33 PM

Short answer: It could be a “better” option for you at personal level, if you’re into it, or compelled to go into a long-term monogamous relationship. However, whether it’s “healthier” to go down that path can be subjected to a lot of discussion, especially now.

Long answer: I’m going to talk mostly from perspective of a straight man.

You might be surprised about this, but thanks to over-feminism (yes, there is such a thing), now, if you happen to go into a relationship with an overly-modernized woman, you could subject yourself to a lot of emotional turmoil and injustice throughout the relationship. Let me explain this.

Feminism is only good when women’s rights were severely undermined, such as when some countries don’t allow women to go to school or that they’re not allowed to vote. But if you’re in an emancipated, modern city inside a highly secular nation, where everyone have practically the same rights and are treated equal before the law, you don’t need it.

However, the fact is, some women in several countries, with women being long liberated from oppression under the law and sexism, had gone totally berserk, lashing back with the utmost disgraceful ways to the slightest criticism of their misrepresentation of what feminism is or feminism itself.

Now, this has massive impact mostly in the west. However, since a lot of English media is readily available to people all over the globe as well, I’ve personally seen a big shift in the ways a lot of Asian women behave and act as well. Those who are exceptionally educated can be very difficult to date and most of them would easily look down on a man who they find intellectually inferior, even when it’s not necessarily true.

Getting into a relationship with a heavily modernized and feminized women had been a big headache not only for a lot of men, but for women themselves. If you want me to be honest, it’d be very risky for anyone in a modern society to build a family if both of you are working. To add to the damage, feminism had also tilted the balance of traditional gender roles by proposing skewed ideas about how each gender play they roles on the family and it’s damaging the society in such a massive scale in many modernized society that it raised a lot of concern about what to do exactly.

So to wrap it up, as a man, I’d say that if you could afford to find a woman who is conservative or traditional enough to understand the basic fundamental roles of a monogamous relationships, and you both think you could work things out together, I don’t see any problem. However, I’d be very ignorant not to notice the major shift in modern women’s thinking that they “can have it all”, will somehow have zero effect on a monogamous, long-term heterosexual relationship.

If you ladies are reading this and still considering about modern kind of feminism, just acknowledge that no matter how attractive the idea is, it had shown over time that those things some people proposed to you are simply fantasy narratives that had not been going too well for the rest of you.

I hope that gave you a new perspective.


  1. You Won’t Believe How Many Countries Still Won’t Allow Women The Right To Education
  2. Women’s suffrage – Wikipedia
  3. We Need to Talk About Women: The Problem With Western Liberal ‘Feminists’
  4. Ultimate Feminist Rage Compilation 2016 || Best Of Feminist Rages
  5. The dating gap: why the odds are stacked against female graduates
  6. How feminism has harmed women, by Fay Weldon
  7. How feminism is to blame for the breakdown of the family, by Left-winger Diane Abbott
  8. Gains in women’s rights haven’t made women happier. Why is that?
  9. Five Ways Feminism Has Made Women Miserable

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