Jika teori evolusi benar, akan berevolusi menjadi apakah manusia dalam satu juta tahun?

Teori evolusi sendiri itu sebetulnya memang benar dan sudah terbukti, namun jika kamu bertanya tentang evolusi manusia yang selanjutnya, saya kira perlu dimengerti juga bahwa evolusi manusia dan makhluk hidup lain itu tidak seperti evolusi yang kamu lihat di film-film kartun seperti Pokémon atau Digimon, di mana seakan-akan makhluk “monster” di film tersebut bisa sewaktu-waktu berubah bentuk ke jenis atau spesies lain dalam sekejap mata.

Evolusi itu adalah proses yang terus berjalan, dan proses ini adalah proses yang sangat, sangat lama. Sebelum kita mengerti apa yang terjadi dalam proses evolusi, salah satu hal yang harus dimengerti juga adalah kurun waktu evolusi itu sendiri. Evolusi bukanlah satu hal yang bisa kita pantau dan amati dalam waktu yang singkat, atau dalam kurun waktu satu/dua generasi satu spesies tertentu saja. Proses dan bukti dari evolusi harus diamati dengan kurun waktu yang lebih luas, seperti puluhan, ratusan atau ribuan tahun lamanya sampai ke titik di mana proses evolusi ini bisa secara samar-samar terlihat perjalanan nya. Karena jika kamu kurang paham terhadap kurun waktu evolusi, besar kemungkinan kamu bisa menjadi salah kaprah tentang bagaimana satu makhluk hidup itu berevolusi.

Kita pun pada saat ini, sebetulnya masih “berevolusi”, karena mutasi dalam kode genetik kita itu terjadi terus menerus, sangat perlahan-lahan, seiiring dengan hidup kita dan bagaimana kita semua ini beradaptasi ke lingkungan kita masing-masing. Manusia seperti kita ini (Homo sapiens) juga sebetulnya bisa ada sekarang karena hasil dari evolusi yang sangat sangat lama, dan spesies kita pun sebetulnya tergolong cukup baru, yaitu berasal dari sekitar 200.000 tahun yang lalu. Angka itu mungkin terkesan sangat lama sekali, dan kamu mungkin terkejut saat saya bilang “baru” itu adalah 200.000 tahun. Nah, di sini lah yang saya tekankan tadi; kamu harus paham dulu bahwa dalam proses evolusi, kurun waktu yang kita gunakan itu berbeda dengan persepsi waktu yang kita gunakan sehari-hari, di mana “baru” itu maksudnya mungkin hanya 1-2 hari atau semingguan saja. Dalam evolusi itu 200.000 tahun itu tergolong baru, karena proses dari evolusi secara keseluruhan itu telah memakan waktu sudah sekitar milyaran tahun lamanya, sesuai bukti-bukti yang dikumpulkan oleh para peneliti sejauh ini. Karena dari itu lah, 200.000 tahun itu secara relatif adalah waktu yang singkat sekali jika dibandingkan dengan jangka waktu milyaran tahun.


Gambar: Diagram perjalanan evolusi makhluk hidup yang telah disederhanakan. Sumber.

Kamu juga perlu paham bahwa untuk satu spesies bisa digolongkan menjadi “spesies baru” itu butuh kriteria-kriteria tertentu yang dibutuhkan. Hal-hal seperti perbedaan dari struktur anatomi tubuh, ukuran otak, struktur otak, dan juga perbedaan dalam level genetika yang hanya bisa diperiksa melalui peralatan ilmiah yang canggih.

Di sisi lain, salah satu hal yang cukup signifikan dalam penentu apakah 2 organisme itu tergolong dalam spesies yang berbeda juga ada di kemampuan mereka bereproduksi. Jadi, salah satu faktor mudah yang kamu bisa ingat, adalah jika 2 organisme itu tidak bisa bereproduksi, atau bisa namun menghasilkan anak yang tidak fertil, di situ juga letak penentu penting apakah 2 spesies yang kamu lihat ini bisa digolongkan berbeda, walau terlihat sekilas sama. Contoh dari hal ini adalah seperti dalam kasus binatang bagal atau muleyaitu binatang hasil dari perkawinan antara keledai jantan dan kuda betina, di mana walau mereka (keledai jantan dan kuda betina) mampu melakukan seks dan menghasilkan anak, bagal lahir agak cacat secara genetik yang membuat semua bagal itu mandul. Ini sama halnya seperti kamu melihat bahwa monyet dan simpanse itu, walau sama-sama primata, tidak melakukan reproduksi antara satu sama lain, karena mereka sudah 2 jenis spesies binatang yang berbeda.

Dalam hal ini, untuk Homo sapiens “berevolusi menjadi” satu hal yang baru – sepengetahuan saya saja – itu adalah hal yang tidak mudah, karena pada dasarnya, untuk itu bisa terjadi, satu kelompok manusia harus bisa berevolusi sedemikian rupa sehingga mereka tidak bisa berhubungan seksual dengan Homo sapiens atau mungkin bisa, namun berakhir menghasilkan anak yang hampir selalu mandul dalam prosesnya.

Nah, menuju pertanyaan kamu ini:

[…] akan berevolusi menjadi apakah manusia dalam satu juta tahun?

Hal itu tentu tidak ada yang betul-betul bisa menjawab, apakah manusia akan berevolusi menjadi apa, apalagi jika kurun waktunya itu jutaan tahun. Namun, jika dilihat dari tren yang ada saat ini, besar kemungkinan manusia Homo sapiens akan tetap menjadi manusia seperti sekarang ini, dengan perbedaan di cara berpikir kita (karena tiap generasi terus beradaptasi dengan teknologi-teknologi baru), umur kita yang bisa menjadi lebih panjang (kualitas hidup yang sudah lebih baik dari waktu ke waktu), dan bisa jadi juga kita tidak hanya menggunakan produk-produk teknologi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari; lama kelamaan, kita juga bisa memasang produk teknologi ke bagian-bagian tubuh kita, seperti contoh teknologi prosthetics di video ini:

Video: Beyond bionics: how the future of prosthetics is redefining humanity

Sebetulnya mesin yang dipasangkan ke dalam tubuh manusia itu bukan lah hal baru, karena teknologi seperti alat pacu jantung sudah cukup lazim digunakan di mana-mana untuk penderita masalah jantung yang cukup berat. Namun karena teknologi ini masih ditanam di dalam tubuh, mungkin kebanyakan orang tidak begitu sadar jika ada salah satu dari teman, anggota keluarga atau orang-orang asing di jalan memiliki hal ini tertanam di dalam tubuhnya. Beda halnya memang seperti teknologi prosthetics, di mana alat/mesin yang ditanam di tubuh itu jelas sekali terlihat secara kasat mata, karena teknologi ini memang berguna untuk menggantikan tangan atau kaki yang tidak ada atau telah diamputasi karena masalah kesehatan tertentu.

Jadi di akhir kata, kalau menurut saya pribadi, manusia spesies Homo sapiens kemungkinan besar akan terus menjadi spesies yang sama (Homo sapiens) untuk beberapa waktu ke depan, karena berbagai faktor yang tidak mendukung kita untuk bisa membuat “tangkai evolusi baru” dalam waktu dekat. Namun karena manusia adalah satu-satunya spesies di Bumi yang bisa mengeksploitasi hukum alam untuk membuat produk-produk mutakhir demi membantu kehidupan kita secara luas, besar kemungkinan di masa depan, cyborg, atau organisme yang memiliki campuran anggota tubuh organik dan mesin di tubuhnya, itu bisa menjadi suatu kenyataan. Memang, semua ini bisa jadi terdengar seperti sains-fiksi, namun melihat bagaimana teknologi sains yang sudah berkembang sangat pesat di beberapa tahun ke belakang ini terus berkembang lebih cepat lagi, sulit rasanya untuk mengabaikan kemungkinan hal-hal itu bisa terjadi, cepat atau lambat.

Tapi ini hanya sekedar pendapat saya dari apa yang saya tahu saja. Tentunya karena saya bukanlah peneliti atau orang yang bergelut di dunia sains dan ilmu ilmiah, apapun yang saya bilang di sini patut diperiksa kembali dan divalidasi oleh orang-orang yang lebih ahli di bidang ini.

Semoga ini menjawab pertanyaan kamu.

Catatan Kaki

  1. Manakah konsep asal penciptaan manusia yang lebih kamu yakini, manusia berasal dari kera atau manusia berasal dari manusia?
  2. Yes, humans are still evolving. Here’s how you can tell.
  3. Humans are still evolving—and we can watch it happen
  4. Early Modern Homo sapiens
  5. Mule Facts
  6. The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True, pg. 65
  7. What will humans look like in a million years?
  8. Siapa saja yang butuh pasang alat pacu jantung?
  9. The future of self-driving cars, explained

Terima kasih untuk permintaan jawabannya:

2018-11-14 Pertanyaan 1.png

What does “toggle” mean in computer speak?

Originally published on 17 Sep 2017 6:50 PM

In computing, toggle refers to switching from one state or action to another by a single click of a button. In a computer keyboard, there are usually three toggle keys with different toggle-able state:

  1. Caps Lock — When ON, it allows you to type on fully capitalized letters.
  2. Num Lock — Available on full layout keyboards, in most motherboards Num Lock is usually set to ON after booting up. It allows you to use the Numpad Keys part of your keyboard as numbers pad. When OFF, the number keys on your Numpad will not work.
  3. Scroll Lock — A legacy toggle button that serves very little purpose on modern computers. It only makes a difference in certain modern programs, one of it being Microsoft Excel, where as toggling this to ON will allow you to move the scroll bar with arrow keys.

On notebooks or smaller keyboards, they would usually have an extra toggle button:

  • Fn Lock — When ON, it allows you to use Function keys without the need to hold on your Fn key. Function keys usually printed as symbols in small sizes with different color just beside regular keyboard key prints.

Basically, toggle just means you switch from one state to another permanently by a single button click. This doesn’t always have to be two—for example, on some computer games, toggling would sometimes mean switching between two to three different weapons with a button click.

In case of day-to-day usage, the opposite of a toggle is a keypress hold, such as Shift button and Fn button, which require users to press down the keys to switch on a different state or function as long as the button is pressed. When released, all the functions will return to normal, unlike toggle buttons that require another press of the button to swap back to previous state.

I hope that helps.

Are humans just a complex form of artificial Intelligence?

Originally published on 06 Jan 2018 10:25 AM

Short answer — In terms of human perspective, I would say it’s a no. But when you take the discussion further, it will depend on how you look at the problem.

Long answer — Artificial Intelligence, by definition is “the development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.” In that context, it means that we are not AI—we created them. However, taking things philosophically, things became complicated.

The common perception of an AI is that of human creation—AI basically operates by simulating human intelligence, thus they are expected to behave like what a human being would, or at least presenting the close resemblance of human behavior. The more the industry is growing though, the more AIs are expected to behave like a superhuman, combining the rapid computing power capabilities and the learning ability of a human being.

The movie Chappie (2015), despite its ratings, would show the character Chappie itself as what an AI is expected to look like, although in a less glamorous way.

Image: The discarded army robot Chappie after he learned his behavior from ghettos.

Now, since AI simulates certain behaviors of us, in that sense alone it is hard to say that we are by any means “artificial”, as we are the ones creating a form of digital intelligence. However, you could say that it’s still arguable that we are an example of “complex form of intelligence” by very relatively loose standard.

So no, in human sense, I’d argue that we are not artificial intelligence. However, if there’s any way that we can be considered a “form of complex AI” is, if, by any chance, we are actually created by another form of intelligence such as aliens, which concept, to this date, is still far from being taken too seriously.


  1. artificial intelligence meaning – Google Search
  2. Extraterrestrial life – Wikipedia

Can I play music from a phone to a PC via USB? I have no Bluetooth and WiFi available in my PC?

Originally published on 27 Dec 2017 11:49 AM

Technically, yes, you can still play music directly from your phone’s storage. But it’s best to just copy your music to your PC and play them from there. Mobile-to-PC connection is pretty unreliable if you ask me, even up to this date, especially with Android devices. Still, depending on your platform, this could be very easy to be done too.

If you’re using Apple products, transferring media with iTunes between your iOS device(s) and your PC is very convenient, so when it comes to music, this should be a piece of cake. However, the drawback about Apple products is—as you might have guessed—the lack of cross-platform compatibility to other devices from non-Apple platforms.

Android smartphones on the other hand tend to be more flexible. They usually provide you with more options in terms of its device-to-device connection, so you have more things you can do with it, such as browsing spesific folders and organize things the way you want it to be from your PC. This is impractical to be done with iOS, although you can still do it with the help of some 3rd party applications.

Good luck.

What is the challenge of Indonesian app publishers?

Originally published on 05 Dec 2017 4:18 PM

As someone overseeing few things on the digital and IT industry in general, from my perspective, few challenges of app publishers here in Indonesia would be:

  • Language barrier.
    General population of Indonesia is more and more fluent in English compared to how it was in the past, which makes this problem less significant. But one thing for sure, since the market of mobile platforms are mostly in English, it might be difficult for some developers who—regardless how good their skills are—do not have the best language skills to translate their apps into English where the audience is so much larger than just the local one.
  • Underappreciated IT culture.
    In many past years, I remember the whole IT industry in Indonesia have always been stigmatized and believed to be a mere geeky/nerdy subject for the most parts. Most IT or software engineer graduates I knew were given very little respect—both in academic and professional settings—and quite a number of them ended up working on low-paying service jobs on IT malls such as those around Mangga Dua or Glodok.

    Today however, since the raise of popularity of local mobile apps such as Go-Jek, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Traveloka and many others, this of course brought very good news for fresh graduates and developers alike—their expertise is being supported in the industry today. Of course we can’t expect things to just magically improve in a snap, but the local IT industry is certainly on a very good growth. I visited the Geek Camp 2017 conference the other day, and it was certainly refreshing to see such a well-organized, big event solely made for all the local developers. I believe many things should be even better in the future.

  • Quality of Education.
    It is no secret that even in Southeast Asia alone, Indonesia’s education is falling behind many of its neighbors, such as Malaysia and Singapore. For one, not many Indonesian universities are too well-known outside Indonesia, even the prestigious ones such as Universitas Indonesia (UI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) or Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

    On the other hand, Singapore and Malaysia, have numerous university which are quite well-known outside the country itself, few being Lim Kok Wing University, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU). This limited popularity of local universities, apart suffering from general lack of global exposure, also restricted many of the knowledge exchange that could happen if people of other countries are enrolling alongside many of our local students to learn from each other.

  • Brain drain.
    Personally, I knew few of my friends who went overseas to learn software engineering decided to work on foreign companies such as eBay and Google in their headquarters in the USA, instead of going back to Indonesia and work here. You can’t blame them this way—as I mentioned, the lack of appreciation of local IT industry alone should be enough to discourage many of our talented software engineers who want a great career on app publishing, to leave the country to chase their dreams.

    Of course, some actually did come back to invest their talent on the local scene, but there aren’t too many of them as of now. It is surely refreshing to see the improvements we see today, but I think we shouldn’t be lenient and stay in our old mindset regarding the IT industry in Indonesia. It is vital for us to support our local developers, so they are compelled to stay here to invest their skills.

    Appreciation is a very important part in any professional expertise, that if the general public or peers can’t even give two dimes about their skills and appreciate them, as much as they could appreciate other more “prestigious” local subjects, such as medical subjects (doctors), architecture, civil engineering and many others, you really can’t blame them if they look for the appreciation due somewhere else.

To sum up, the way I look at it, the challenges of app publishers in Indonesia consist of combination of the academic (language barrier, education) and social (IT culture, brain drain) factors of the whole IT industry in Indonesia.

I do believe that, upon looking how important IT is today in our daily lives, we have to pay more attention to the people working to make our digital lives so much more convenient and comfortable, and give the appreciation due to them. This is of course not to say that other subjects should be given less importance somehow—this is to say that in the rapidly changing world, we should not succumb to an old mindset and expect our society to improve on its own, without doing our own parts as a general public in supporting the industry.

The government, in this case, has a lot of homework to do as well, in supporting the growth of many local mobile applications, instead of coming up with impractical regulations on app-based services, served only to block their growths and give way to particular interest groups who are concerned about their own profits.

Thank you for the request.

How do I get pictures off my iPad onto a USB drive?

Originally published on 15 Nov 2017 8:41 PM

You can try to buy one of this thing:

It’s called an USB OTG adapter, which stands for USB On-The-Go. The purpose of the adapter is to bridge connection from your Apple devices to the attached USB thumbdrive you want to transfer your files into.

They’re usually not too expensive and fairly easy to find. You could try buying one of them online, or go look for it in the nearest consumer electronic shop in your neighborhood.